D&D Curse of Strahd Tarokka Deck

Sale price$12.99


The 54-card Tarokka deck is illustrated by Chuck Lukacs in black and white. The product is designed to feel like a real gypsy Tarot deck, and is produced in playing card-size on textured stock with a matte finish.

The deck can be used by Dungeonmasters to help randomize D&D adventures through Barovia, or used by itself to play the Prophet’s Gambit card game for 3 – 5 players (rules included).

Unlike the spell decks this deck is not optional as the module has been designed that is ''needs'' the deck to have the random winds of fate feel to the module and how it plays. You don't go through it in a linear way but use the deck of cards to lead you through the world encountering different things each time you play through the module as the random cards guide you like the winds of fate.

Players will also love to get their hands on a physical tarokka deck of cards produced by Gale Force 9 and available with the release of the adventure. The tarokka deck is a powerful tool for both Madam Eva and for Dungeon Masters running Curse of Strahd. By using the tarokka deck to randomize locations within the adventure, Dungeon Masters can customize each party’s exploration of Barovia, allowing Curse of Strahd to be replayed for years to come.

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